Rabu, 19 September 2012

Cheat Sims 2 Ps2

By: copy paste uye On: 07.42
  • Share The Gag
  • Untuk memasukan cheat, Pause gamenya. Sebelum anda memasukan cheat-cheat nya, anda harus membuka kunci atau memasukan cheat GNOME.

    Cheat GNOME : L1, R1, Atas, X, R2 .

    Setelah itu anda bisa melakukan cheat-cheat dibawah ini:

    R1, L1, R2, Kanan, Kiri - Cheat uang (9,999)  
    O, L2, Left, O, Atas, O - Membuka semua lot  
    O, Kotak, L1, Atas, Bawah - Memajukan waktu (6 jam)  
    Segitiga, O, Kotak, R2, Kiri - Mengatur Level Skill / Ketrapilan  
    Atas, O, Atas, Kanan, L2 - Isi semua motives / motivasi
    R2, Kotak, Atas, Bawah, Kanan, X - Membuka semua resep  

    Kotak, R2, Bawah, Kanan, Kotak - Membuka semua baju
    L2, O, Bawah, Kiri, Atas - Membuka semua objects / objek

    R1, L1, R1, L1, Segitiga - Horn audio / Membunyikan audio

    Rabu, 12 September 2012

    Cheat Grand Theft Auto : San Andreas

    By: copy paste uye On: 03.43
  • Share The Gag

  • Aggressive Drivers
    Cheat code: Right, R2, Up, Up, R2, Circle, Square, R2, L1, Right, Down, L1
    Aggressive Traffic
    Cheat code: R2, Circle, R1, L2, Left R1, L1, R2, L2
    All Cars Have Nitros
    Cheat code: Left, Triangle, R1, L1, Up, Square, Triangle, Down, Circle, L2, L1, L1
    All Pedestrians Are Elvis
    Cheat code: L1, Circle, Triangle, L1, L1, Square, L2, Up, Down, Left
    All Taxis Get Nitro + Jump Up When You Press L3
    Cheat code: Up, X, Triangle, X, Triangle, X, Square, R2, Right
    Junk Car Traffic
    Cheat code: L2, Right, L1, Up, X, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L1, L1
    All Traffic Lights Stay Green
    Cheat code: Right, R1, Up, L2, L2, Left, R1, L1, R1, R1
    All Vehicles Invisible Except Motorcycles
    Cheat code: Triangle, L1, Triangle, R2, Square, L1, L1
    Always Midnight (Time stays at 00:00)
    Cheat code: Square, L1, R1, Right, X, Up, L1, Left, Left
    Andrenaline Mode
    Cheat code: X, X, Square, R1, L1, X, Down, Left, X
    Blow Up Vehicle
    Cheat code: L1, L2, L2, Up, Down, Down, Up, R1, R2, R2
    Attracts Prostitutes With Sex Toys
    Cheat code: Square, Right, Square, Square, L2, X, Triangle, X, Triangle
    Black Traffic
    Cheat code: Circle, L2, Up, R1, Left, X, R1, L1, Left, Circle
    Nearest Pedestrian Called to Get In Car
    Cheat code: X, Square, Down, X, Square, Up, R1, R1
    Cars Float Away When Hit
    Cheat code: Square, R2, Down, Down, Left, Down, Left, Left, L2, X
    Cars Fly
    Cheat code: Square, Down, L2, Up, L1, Circle, Up, X, Left
    Cars On Water
    Cheat code: Right, R2, Circle, R1, L2, Square, R1, R2
    Chaos Mode
    Cheat code: L2, Right, L1, Triangle, Right, Right, R1, L1, Right, L1, L1, L1
    Clowny Themed Area
    Cheat code: Triangle, Triangle, L1, Square, Square, Circle, Square, Down, Circle
    Commit Suicide
    Cheat code: Right, L2, Down, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, L2, L1
    Destroy Cars
    Cheat code: R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1
    Bikini Themed Area
    Cheat code: Up, Up, Down, Down, Square, Circle, L1, R1, Triangle, Down.
    Faster Clock
    Cheat code: Circle, Circle, L1, Square, L1, Square, Square, Square, L1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
    Faster Gameplay
    Cheat code: Triangle, Up, Right, Down, L2, L1, Square
    Flying Boats
    Cheat code: R2, Circle, Up, L1, Right, R1, Right, Up, Square, Triangle
    Foggy Weather
    Cheat code: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, X
    Full Weapon Aiming While Driving
    Cheat code: Up, Up, Square, L2, Right, X, R1, Down, R2, Circle
    Gang Members Spawn Much Faster
    Cheat code: Left, Right, Right, Right, Left, X, Down, Up, Square, Right
    Six Star Wanted Level
    Cheat code: Circle, Right, Circle, Right, Left, Square, X Down
    Hitman In All Weapons
    Cheat code: Down, Square, X, Left, R1, R2, Left, Down, Down, L1, L1, L1
    Improve Suspension
    Cheat code: Square, Square, R2, Left, Up, Square, R2, X, X, X
    Increase Car Speed
    Cheat code: Up, L1, R1, Up, Right, Up, X, L2, X, L1
    Infinite Ammo
    Cheat code: L1, R1, Square, R1, Left, R2, R1, Left, Square, Down, L1, L1
    Infinite Health
    Cheat code: Down, X, Right, Left, Right, R1, Right, Down, Up, Triangle
    Infinite Lung Capacity
    Cheat code: Down, Left, L1, Down, Down, R2, Down, L2, Down
    Insane Handling
    Cheat code: Triangle, R1, R1, Left, R1, L1, R2, L1
    Spawn Jetpack
    Cheat code: Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, Up, Down, Left, Right
    Jump 10x Higher
    Cheat code: Up, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Up, Up, Left, Right, Square, R2, R2
    High Jumps on Bike
    Cheat code: Triangle, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, L2, R1, R2.
    Lock in Wanted Level to Current Star Rating
    Cheat code: Circle, Right, Circle, Right, Left, Square, Triangle, Up
    Lower Wanted Level
    Cheat code: R1, R1, Circle, R2, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down
    Max All Vehicle Stats (Driving, Flying Bike, Cycling)
    Cheat code: Square, L2, X, R1, L2, L2, Left, R1, Right, L1, L1, L1
    Maximum Fat
    Cheat code: Triangle, Up ,Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Down
    Maximum Muscle
    Cheat code: Triangle,Up,Up,Left,Right,Square,Circle,Left
    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Cheats continued on the next page...
    Maximum Respect
    Cheat code: L1, R1, Triangle, Down, R2, X, L1, Up, L2, L2, L1, L1
    Maximum Sex Appeal
    Cheat code: Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Up, Circle, R1, L2, Up, Triangle, L1, L1, L1
    Morning Sky
    Cheat code: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square
    Never Become Hungry
    Cheat code: Square, L2, R1, Triangle, Up, Square, L2, Up, X
    Night Sky
    Cheat code: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Triangle
    Only Gang Members and Gun Fights in Streets
    Cheat code: L2, Up, R1, R1, Left, R1, R1, R2, Right, Down
    No Traffic or Pedestrians
    Cheat code: X, Down, Up, R2, Down, Triangle, L1, Triangle, Left
    Noon Sky
    Cheat code: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Down
    Sunset Sky
    Cheat code: Left, Left, L2, R1, Right, Square, Square, L1, L2, X
    Overcast Weather
    Cheat code: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Square
    Pedestrian Attack
    Cheat code: Down, Up, Up, Up, X, R2, R1, L2, L2
    Note: This code cannot be turned off.
    Pedestrian Riot
    Cheat code: Down, Left, Up, Left, X, R2, R1, L2, L1
    Note: This code cannot be turned off.
    Pedestrians Have Weapons
    Cheat code: R2, R1, X, Triangle, X, Triangle, Up, Down
    Peds Attack with Guns
    Cheat code: X, L1, Up, Square, Down, X, L2, Triangle, Down, R1, L1, L1
    Ninja Pedestrians
    Cheat code: X, X, Down, R2, L2, Circle, R1, Circle, Square
    Pink Traffic
    Cheat code: Circle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, Circle
    Prostitutes Pay You
    Cheat code: Right, L2, L2, Down, L2, Up, Up, L2, R2
    Raise Wanted Level
    Cheat code: R1, R1, Circle, R2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
    Recruit Anyone (with 9mm)
    Cheat code: Down, Square, Up, R2, R2, Up, Right, Right, Up
    Recruits Anyone (with Rockets)
    Cheat code: R2, R2, R2, X, L2, L1, R2, L1, Down, X
    Sand Storm Weather
    Cheat code: Up, Down, L1, L1, L2, L2, L1, L2, R1, R2
    Cheat code: Triangle, Up ,Up, Left, Right, Square, Circle, Right
    Slower Gameplay
    Cheat code: Triangle, Up, Right, Down, Square, R2, R1
    Spawn Monster
    Cheat code: Right, Up, R1, R1, R1, Down, Triangle, Triangle, X, Circle, L1, L1
    Spawn Parachute
    Cheat code: Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2, R2, Up, Down, Right, L1
    Spawn Rhino
    Cheat code: Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
    Spawn Stretch Limo
    Cheat code: R2, Up, L2, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right
    Spawn Bloodring Banger
    Cheat code: Down, R1, Circle, L2, L2, X, R1, L1, Left, Left
    Spawn Caddy
    Cheat code: Circle, L1, Up, R1, L2, X, R1, L1, Circle, X
    Spawn Dozer
    Cheat code: R2, L1, L1, Right, Right, Up, Up, X, L1, Left
    Spawn Faster Cars
    Cheat code: Right, R1, Up, L2, L2, Left, R1, L1, R1, R1
    Spawn Hotring Racer #1
    Cheat code: R1, Circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X (2), Square, R1
    Spawn Hotring Racer #2
    Cheat code: R2, L1, Circle, Right, L1, R1, Right, Up, Circle, R2
    Spawn Hunter
    Cheat code: Circle, X, L1, Circle, Circle, L1, Circle, R1, R2, L2, L1, L1
    Spawn Rancher
    Cheat code: Up, Right, Right, L1, Right, Up, Square, L2
    Spawn Tanker
    Cheat code: R1, Up, Left, Right, R2, Up, Right, Square, Right, L2, L1, L1
    Spawn Hydra
    Cheat code: Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L1, Down, Up
    Spawns Quad Bike
    Cheat code: Left, Left, Down, Down, Up, Up, Square, Circle, Triangle, R1, R2
    Spawn Vortex
    Cheat code: Triangle, Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L2, Down, Down
    Stormy Weather
    Cheat code: R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Circle
    Spawn Stunt Plane
    Cheat code: Circle, Up, L1, L2, Down, R1, L1, L1, Left, Left, X, Triangle.
    Super Punch
    Cheat code: Up, Left, X, Triangle, R1, Circle, Circle, Circle, L2
    Traffic Is Country Vehicles
    Cheat code: Triangle, Left, Square, R2, Up, L2, Down, L1, X, L1, L1, L1
    All Country Vehicles
    Cheat code: L1 L1 R1 R1 L2 L1 R2 Down Left Up
    Unlock Romero
    Cheat code: Down, R2, Down, R1, L2, Left, R1, L1, Left, Right
    Unlock Trashmaster
    Cheat code: Circle, R1, Circle, R1, Left, Left, R1, L1, Circle, Right
    Weapons Pack 1
    Cheat code: R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
    Weapons Pack 2
    Cheat code: R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left
    Weapons Pack 3
    Cheat code: R1, R2, L1, R2, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left , Down, Down, Down
    Cloudy Weather
    Cheat code: L2, Down, Down, Left, Square, Left, R2, Square, X, R1, L1, L1

    Kamis, 06 September 2012


    By: copy paste uye On: 21.10
  • Share The Gag

    1. Prologue
    1.1 Game Mission
    Resident Evil 4 is a game Adventure Action output CAPCOM ltd, which tells about the adventures of Leon. S. Kennedy, Secret Agent sent by Racoon Policy Department in the village of Pueblo, Spain. Leon's primary mission is to rescue the U.S. President's daughter (Ashley Graham) from captive group of people who call themselves Los Illuminados group, under the leadership of pastor Osmund Saddler.
    1.2 Handgun Bullets abundant in accordance Cash Drop (IMPORTANT)
    Because these guidelines prohibit you interact with Merchant to buy a new weapon, the only weapon you can use only a handgun (plus COMBAT KNIFE). Therefore, you must collect Handgun bullets as much as you can. To gather as many bullets as possible, you have to TAKE MONEY all PETI you get throughout the game (in the closet, drawer, destroying wooden barrels, wooden crates of enemy small or dead). If you are not getting all the crates TAKE money you come across, you'll get Leon with Handgun ammunition bullets are a bit that enables you will not be able to complete this challenge. That's the theory.
    1.3 Extreme views
    This guide directs you to beat the game with all the scene any way you like. Is using a Handgun, Handgun combination with Combat Knife or just use the Combat Knife. It is up which way you think is most appropriate in your heart. Following exposure to the Player Profiles, you can know where you are player profiles. Listen ....
    (I) Player: Advanced
    Profile: You are an advanced player (not beginners), you've completed this game many times. Do you know the enemy attack patterns, you've tried all kinds of weapons and Pro Mode no longer be a problem for you. Are you ready to finish this game again with the challenge of less time to finish just for fun.
    You're an interesting person: you just want to have fun and finish this game
    Recommendations Tactics Play: Use the easiest way, a fun war strategy and minimize the risk of enemy attack ....
    (Ii) Player: Expert
    Profile: You are a skilled player, very competitive, with the goal of becoming the best player in the world of Resident Evil 4's. For those of you, like Pro Mode Normal Mode. You analyze every second step you run and do drills over and over until you run the steps it is really perfect. You know every chapter, the position of the enemy, the enemy attack patterns by heart. Extreme is your middle name.
    You're unique: you dreamed of completing this game in a short time. As soon as possible.
    Recommended tactics play: Use Combat Knife if possible. In this guide you will find a combat knife strategy to finish the fight, and in some scenes you need a handgun with a combat knife combination. Handgun Use as little as possible (so not too much melesetkan Handgun bullets). You do not plan to hit the enemy. You are The Game Maniac.
    2.1 Select New Game
    Start New Game of the game. Leon start his adventure with the health condition of the line is still minimal, no money, no special weapons.
    2.2 Level Game: Professional
    Select Professional after New Game. This level is open if you have completed the game first time on Normal level. Professional is the highest level in this game. That means more aggressive enemies, and if you're exposed to guns or blow them up, half to three-quarters of your blood line will be lost or instant kill (instant death). So do not make mistakes. The good news is, the enemy attack patterns are always the same at all levels of the game.
    2.3 No Merchant Run: Do not interact with the Merchant (Seller Weapons, First Aid Spray and Barter item)
    Merchant does not interact with throughout the game. So you did not bother to take the Treasure, Spinel, Emerald or Red, Green and Blue Eye of Novistador for sale in Merchant. Regulation is the primary challenge. You can not buy Attacche Case (Suitcase) additional M, X and XL to increase inventory space kopormu store items. Only suitcase size S you have. Additionally you can not buy extra weapons like Blacktail, Rifle, Dart Mine, Riot Gun, Killer7, Red9, Striker and favorite weapon: Rocket Launcher.
    You also may not buy additional 2 First Aid Spray Merchant supplied. You can upgrade the health line by way of mix Red, Green, Yellow herb that you get throughout the game. Therefore, you have to know where to position the Yellow herb is.
    And lastly, do you have a weapon (Handgun) still in the original status of level 1, not in tune-up. You can not upgrade it. Therefore, against an enemy so very difficult, you have to have to be very careful every face of the enemy. Learn the enemy attack patterns carefully to survive ..
    There is one scene where you inevitably have to interact with the Merchant (Chapter 1-2 and 1-3). If that happens immediately cancel the transaction Sell, Buy or Tune-Up and just leave him ..
    2.4 No Special Custom 2
    Special Custom 2 are also not allowed. Ashley Ashley Special Custom 2 causes immune to all weapons and does not allow for a kidnapped enemy. This does not include the philosophy of No Merchant Run. In essence, Leon and Ashley are still dressed for what it is ..
    2.5 Handgun and Combat Knife Only
    Only two weapons that you can use the handgun and the COMBAT KNIFE. Get rid of Shotgun, Rifle eliminate, and you do not need to bother to carry Rocket Launcher. In short, you will enter a battle until the end simply by using a gun that is not too upgrade and Knife, leading you into the game as if it's like your worst nightmare atmosphere. Handgun that is not too major upgrade is not a weapon of choice to fight a bunch of enemies and a bunch Armadura. However, what can I say, peraturanlah speaking here.
    3.1 Combat Knife
    You need a 100 + Handgun bullets vs. 6 Armadura in Chapter 4-1 (The King Grail) and 250 + Handgun bullets to fight Ramon Salazar (end of Chapter 4-4). Before you meet them, you will be wasting your bullets on some scenes, such as the People's Party scene (Chapter 3-1) like a rifle and handgun functioning (Chapter 3-4).
    In other words, you have to save your bullets. This is where the role of the Combat Knife. This is your equipment to survive. Use a knife to kill the enemy as possible. And take advantage of your environment (stairs, doors, windows, fences) to dominate your enemies movement.
    Use the Combat Knife to face the enemy with the enemy types as follows:
    1. 1 person Village Ganado, holding sekopang forks, knives, axes, do not use protection.
    Level of difficulty: easy
    Strategy: approach her until she was about pushing ahead with plans to attack. Immediately took a few steps backwards to avoid the blow gun. As soon as he finished menggerakkkan approached the gun, remove the blade by pressing L1 and Sabet enemy in the face. If you are lucky you will meet 2 conditions Ganado, (1) Ganado will groan in pain or (2) Ganado movement backward / forward while holding his face. If the condition (1) that you have encountered, the blade of the knife forward, if the condition (2) again approached the enemy until the prompt appears "KICK" screen, then press X (Leon will do a kick turn to the enemy) fell on the ground after the enemy, the enemy approached again , remove the knife, point knife sabetkan Leon to the ground and hold a knife to the enemy until the enemy is dead. Easy.
    2. 1 person Village Ganado, holding an ax or scythe supply an unlimited (ax or scythe reappeared behind them after they threw)
    Level of difficulty: easy
    Strategy: let them throw the weapon, immediately approach him when he threw his weapon while sliding to the left or to the right to avoid being hit by their weapons. When you're face to face with him, he quickly Sabet as enemy at point 1.In the next chapter, this type of enemy is sometimes not throw his weapon, he will be the enemy of point 1 (swinging his gun to Leon) studied the pattern of attacks and do strategy points 1 or 2 points, depending on the pattern of their attacks.
    3. 1 person Village Ganado, bear Rocket Launcher
    Level of difficulty: easy
    Strategy: let them remove the bullet bazookas, bazookas avoid bullets, then quickly approached him, quickly Sabet with a knife, he would lie on the ground, Sabet continues until death.
    4. 1 person Village Ganado / Zealot, not holding a gun
    Level of difficulty: medium
    Strategy: notes, enemy at point 1 which will be the enemy loses his weapon at this point. There are two patterns of attack (1) He will be running while roaring from a distance of several meters from the neck to capture Leon Leon (2) when in a position face to face he would lift his hands to catch the neck Leon. Let him come to you with a note if he would strike (1) or (2). If he was going to attack (1), fast rewind or dodge a few steps to the left / right, after catching his neck unsuccessful attempt, immediately approach him and sabetkan knife into the body or face.
    5. 1 person Zealot or soldier Ganado, using arrows busuh
    Level of difficulty: easy
    Strategy: Wait until they put out two arrows, avoid arrows (swipe left / right) and then approach him and sabetkan knife. Easy
    6. 1 person Ganado, holding a torch
    Level of difficulty: easy
    Strategy: There are two types of enemy attack (1) he would blow torch and torch flame that will lead straight into the body of Leon, (2) he would use it as a torch ax. Learn the pattern of attacks. If he was going to attack (1) rapidly approached him when he was about to draw breath to blow out the torch, then Sabet him, he will burn. If he was going to attack (2) did the strategy as the enemy point 1.
    7. 1 person Zealot or Soldier Ganado, holding the ball burr hammer iron plus wooden shield body armor
    Level of difficulty: difficult
    Strategy: Let them carry out the attack (they will push Leon shield toward the iron ball or swinging a hammer). Avoid his attacks, then approach him, quickly Sabet shield 1 time. After a single blade of the knife quickly retreated again behind it to avoid attacks, and Sabet again, repeat this pattern continues until shield the wood is gone. Once the shield is gone, doing the strategy as the enemy at point 1 or 4.
    8. 1 person Plaga, type 2 and 3
    Level of difficulty: Hard - Mission Impossible (Plaga type 1)
    Strategy: There are 3 types plaga:
    (I) Plaga swing blade models: From the head of the enemy, plaga meandering, at the end of the tentacles are swing blade knife that Leon's body can reach up to 3 meters. Do not approach him, if you hit the knife I am afraid you will have instant kill. Strategies for plaga knife of this type, it is impossible to implement.
    (Ii) Plaga mouthed snake models: From the head of the enemy appeared plaga his mouth open. If the position you are close to him, plaga be craned his neck and head are always looking for Leon to be revoked and Instant Kill. You can menyabetnya with a knife. How: nudge him to make a move elongate the neck, immediately avoid attack and position yourself behind him and quickly turned around 180 degrees (press the D-Pad + Round / Box) and sabetkan knife 2-3 times the Plaga.
    (Iii) Plaga spider models: From head plaga enemies appear like spider stand. Avoid acidic liquids or vomit attack with claw feet elongate the neck. Then do strategies like plaga type 2. Note: this model plaga recovery after attack plaga feet faster than type 2.
    3.2 Handgun
    Handgun must be the reason why is because if you use only your primary weapon Combat Knife alone, we can be sure you will not be able to finish this challenge. Handgun used to attack the enemy from a distance or control the enemy attacks you can not do if you're just using the Combat Knife.
    As you know, the Handgun is not a good weapon for you to use, but because it is a rule, then you should use the Handgun as efficiently as possible. Do not waste a lot of bullets. Strive every bullet that you fired constantly and always giving effect to the enemy you're facing. Therefore, you have to control the movement of the red laser Handgun precise as possible so that the red dot at the tip of the laser beam Handgun always the enemy's body. There are 3 techniques of Handgun Control, namely:
    (I) Manual Correction Technique: try to stabilize the movement of the laser beam to the enemy target. If the red dot moved upward, sliding carefully as possible down the left analog. If the red dot to the left, move the left analog as carefully as possible to the right. So did the other direction. You can perform this technique in between each bullet fired.
    (Ii) Auto targetting Technique: higher technical quality than technique 1. This technique teaches Leon as soon as possible to move the red dot laser Handgun leads right into the enemy. Quickly move the left analog to the target, then quickly shoot the bullets as fast as you can when you see a red dot on the enemy's body handgun. This technique takes practice.
    (Iii) Blind Technique: blind technique. You are the Master. Do you know which direction you aim carefully and safely stored in your brain. Try to remember where each enemy's vital point and shoot bullets Handgun to that point. You're going to get yourself in a position where you can miss this game each scene with brutal speed and a high level of efficiency. This technique can give you time, time is beneficial for you to minimize the enemy's attack on the body and eliminate all the enemies you face quickly. Combine this technique with the technique Auto targetting as effectively as possible.
    With the above three techniques. Enemies at close range is no longer a problem. Furthermore, the control field of enemies around you is vital for you to survive from a group of enemies in the entire game.
    1. A group of enemies Village Ganado, Zealot, Soldier (all types, except those holding dynamite and wearing wooden shield)
    Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult
    Strategy: Try to gather a group of enemies in one direction in a position to attack Leon. Then shoot the handgun to one among a group of enemies in his head (preferred the position closest to Leon). Fast approaching enemy you shot it until the prompt appears "KICK" quickly press X to kick the enemy. Enemies are all around you will be exposed to the effects of KICK it. Repeat this attack if possible.
    This technique can give you room to breathe. This technique does not cause immediate enemies die, they just resist an attack against you until you can continue the game. In this game, you are required to become a master in this technique.
    2. 1 person Zealot or Soldier (all types, except those holding that use of dynamite and wooden shields)
    Level of difficulty: Medium
    Strategy: Firing bullets into the body of the enemy at this point, just a waste of bullets. Simply shoot the handgun bullet to the knee or the leg and fell to the enemy positions as stepping knee on the floor. Immediately approached him to bring up the prompt "suplex" quick suplex enemies. Leon will lift enemies and then slam on the floor wrestling style. If successfully destroyed an enemy's head straight. This technique can minimize the enemy's head emerging from Plaga, where the situation is very, very you need.
    In other cases, this approach does not lead directly destroyed the enemy's head. Quick turn around after a suplex, then sabetkan knife into an enemy lying on the floor. But remember, this method can cause Plaga out of the enemy's head.
    3. A group of enemies that use wooden shields
    Level of difficulty: Very Difficult
    Strategy: Run. You have to run as fast as possible to avoid them. Knife + Handgun is not the ideal weapon to fight a bunch of enemies bastard.
    If you dare to fight them with a handgun, try to navigate Handgunmu left toes toward the nearest enemy in this case is not covered by a protective shielding timber. If successful direct enemy squat. Quickly approach him and then KICK to destroy the shield of arms. Then do the strategy as the enemy points 1 or 2
    4. 1 person Zealot or Soldier holding a wooden shield
    Level of difficulty: Difficult
    Strategy: let them carry out the attack, quickly retreated back Leon pointing his body to the left or to the right to avoid the attack and ran quickly to the back of the enemy and quickly turned and fired a bullet into the enemy's rear legs. If successful, the enemy immediately squat to KICK prompt and eliminate shield. If you do not have time to put a bullet to the foot of the enemy caused the enemy to quickly turn around after he carried out the attack, repeat this strategy until it works.
    Environment (Zealot funnel down from the ceiling or Zealot banging doors) can help you fight the enemies of this type. When Zealot funnel down from the ceiling, Leon quickly put behind enemy still in the recovery stage and shoot his legs and KICK. When Zealot banging doors to open, point the laser beam will be approximately directly leads to the foot of the enemy when the doors open (usually in the open position Zealot / without shield when the door is open). When she opened the door a success, quickly shoot her feet and KICK.
    5. 1 person Plaga (type 1,2 and 3)
    Level of difficulty: Very Difficult
    Strategy: You can shoot the Plaga type 1 in the head and KICK, but remember liukan tip of the knife can be about Leon's body when you attempt to KICK him or about Ashley if she is around you. Type 3 (a spider) is the same as type 1. But type 2 can not be in-KICK, you have to shoot from long range to destroy it.
    6. 1 person Zealot / Ganado / Soldier holding dynamite
    Level of difficulty: very easy and get advantage point
    Strategy: You can shoot the dynamite to blow it up remotely when she was still holding it or has been tossed. This will cause an effect like a grenade explosion. If you see an enemy of this type in a bunch of enemies are chasing you, let him set fire to it at the end of the dynamite fuse and then navigate as precisely as possible to light the dynamite handgun he was holding. Shoot for meledakannya. Auto surrounding enemies will be exposed tampiasnya.
    Other way. Let him turn the dynamite, when he was about to throw the dynamite quickly approach him then quickly away again from her standing position. This method causes the dynamite that he waste will fall close to the position of her feet. He would hit himself dynamite explosion.

    (I) Take all the money you get the box (from the barrel wood, small wooden crate or enemy you kill). Do not forget the gold bars you meet. You can get gold bullion behind every painting of Saddler. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. This method causes Handgun ammunition that you get will always exist in every chapter that you're going through (usually you get the handgun ammo from the enemy you killed). If you do not do this, Leon will enter the fight with a handgun little or limited so risky you can not complete this challenge.(Ii) Use Headshot / Kick combo or suplex Prompt as effectively as possible to maximize the attack to the enemy. Shoot an enemy's head, then quickly did KICK. You must be in MASTER status in performing this technique.(Iii) Train movement quickly turned and quickly ran. Press the D-Pad down + button box / Round. Control is causing Leon will do a 180 degree rotation of the body rapidly, then rapidly again press box + drag the left analog stick to run. Control is important to avoid enemy blows.(Iv) Sabet enemy with a knife if they are in a position lying on the floor. Do not waste your bullets.(V) If you're in a situation surrounded a group of enemies, they will always find a way to attack you. Quick check around you, whether it is among a group of enemies who do not hold a weapon or holding dynamite? There? Good. Hurry up to them, then quickly turn around and let them attack you from behind. If they catch the neck Leon, wiggle the left analog stick as fast as possible to free themselves from their ambush. This method causes the enemies around you will contribute to the effects of efforts to escape the grip of the neck that will give you the opportunity to escape from their siege. If you meet the dynamite holder, let him catch you then wiggle the stick to escape, and escape haraplah you post, the dynamite exploded, which will cause all enemies will be affected by the explosion, while Leon is okay because it is still in recovery (thank to game design)(Vi) Take advantage of the environment around you. For example, stairs, windows, railings, doors. Quickly climbed the ladder and wait for the enemy one by one up the stairs. Quickly go to the edge of the stairs and then navigate down and sabetkan knife blade into the enemy's face when he climbed the stairs to drop back, watch the enemy who threw an ax or a sickle from the bottom, back to back if they did this to avoid being hit by ax , then quickly back to the edge of the stairs to snatch the enemy on the floor trying to catch up atas.Untuk door. Let them bang on the door to 2 times a banging (3 times banging the door open). Position yourself directly in front of the door with a prompt "OPEN" is already active. When they were about to do the third pounding, quickly press X 2 times quickly, in this way caused Leon will open the door with a kick. The door opened and the enemy hit by the kick Leon. Once the door opens quickly retreated to the back so the door closed again. Then repeat the strategy ini.Untuk windows and fence. Let them try to pass through the window, when their hands are touching the wall under the window, quickly approached them and sabetkan blades to prevent them from entering the area of ​​Leon are integral window.(Vii) Each command prompt that appears on the screen (eg: take, open, climb up, raise up, jump down, catch, knock down, etc.) led to Leon in a secure position from enemy attacks. In short. Each command mentioned above when Leon did together was at a time when the enemy was about to attack Leon, causing no effect to enemy attack Leon. The way this works in Chapter 2-2 when Luis Leon along side by side against an enemy siege in a small house 2 floors.(Viii) Strategies to Combat Knife Dr. Salvador (mystery man with his face covered and holding a chainsaw engine). The enemy is always eyeing the neck separated from the body of Leon to Leon. If you hit Chainsaw engine, automatic Instant Kill. But there is a way to kill it just by using the Combat Knife. Let him approach, when he was about to yell and swung his chain saw to the neck Leon immediately took a few steps to avoid the saw blade and then quickly switch Combat Knife and Sabet face. If successful, Dr. Salvador would moan in pain and prompt "KICK" appears. KICK Quick to lay Dr. Salvador on the floor, then quickly approached him and sabetkan knife into her body (5-6 times the blade of a knife). After 5-6 times faster flick back and repeat this strategy until he dies. This strategy is risky, if you do not believe can menyabetkan knife to her face, I suggest you better run from him. For handgun, shot her to bring prompt KICK. KICK Fast and sabetkan knife.(Ix) Perform Great repetitive scenes that take a long time to be resolved. For example: Chapter 3-1.4, Chapter 4-2.1-4-2.2, and Chapter 5-2(X) Loading door (the door that if you die in the next scene, Leon will start another game in this door). Take advantage of this door, to normalize the enemy attacks and in most of the enemies in the area the previous chapter can be lost if you do this trick.
    5.1 Item Management
    These guidelines require that luggage items provided untukkmu only be filled by a handgun, handgun BULLETS, and ADVANCE OF BLOOD (you can take a granade to Equip strategy without menggunakaannya so Leon faster running). It is important to always and always to TAKE any handgun bullet you meet throughout the game. You also have to know where the Red or Yellow herb-so you could combine it with a Green Herb to upgrade your blood line.
    Handgun bullet is a top priority. If kopormu already full, but there is still an additional bullet that you get, I recommend discard what can discard Handgun enter instead. If you are confused to choose which one takes precedence? Do handgun bullets or blood booster? I recommend use only 1 blood booster and insert in lieu handgun bullets.
    Ideally this: most items can you put in kopormu namely: 850 rounds handgun and 10 tubes of blood enhancer.
    If space is still wide kopormu, Granade save you meet for a strategy that granade Equip Leon ran faster (you only need to store one Granade any time during the game).
    5.2 Speed ​​Tips
    If you do not need it, do not take it. Ignore the cutscene by pressing SELECT. Do not you find lockbox that you have not. And do not dream to upgrade your beloved luggage. Simply kill what needs to be killed. Always keep your health in good condition (blood line color = green) and ran as far as you can. Try running with not holding a weapon (equip granade) that makes the movement Leon ran faster than he ran while holding a gun.
    5.3. Control Stick
    X Button = Action prompt, shoot, knife menyabetkanO Button / Box = Run or CancelR1 = ready HandgunL1 = ready KnivesTriangle = MapAnalog Left = Street, Lari (+ O / Box)Analog Right = ViewThe D-Pad Button + Box) = turned 180 degrees. In this guide I will shorten this movement with the English term, TURN AROUND.
    CHAPTER 1-1: Pueblo
    1-1.1: Beginnings
    After the introductory cutscene, move on to the house in front of you. TURNING LEFT AND SMALL IN THE PETI Sabet carts. There are three possible contents of a small box that is: money, a handgun bullet or nothing). If it contains MONEY, TAKE the money, but if it contains BULLET handgun, let alone the bullet in place DO IN-TAKE. IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR THIS CAUSE MANY BULLETS handgun for you ALWAYS AVAILABLE ALL THE GAMES.

    Entered through the open front door. Skip the cutscene, kill the First Enemy with a knife and then took a bullet in the upper floors. Downstairs, Jump Out the window, turn around and wait 3 Ganado fast approaching you and Jump Over by the window, waiting for them at the edge of the window (do not get too close to the window as they could swing a weapon from the outside), then sabetkan knife into them when they want to climb the window. Sabet them all to death.
    Grab all the items, Save in the next house to the right. The road straight ahead. Free the trapped dog with prompt HELP (This dog will join you when you fight El Gigante in chapter 2-1). Do not help this dog by shooting trap, because it will not help you fight El Gigante in Chapter 2-1. Then kill all the Ganado that off with a knife.
    Note: I assume, you can kill all the enemies in this area without spending a Handgun bullets. Knife Only ...
    1-1.2: Village People
    Consider the following map of the township:

    (I) The Knife + Handgun Strategy: After the cutscene, follow the route as shown. Through this route while avoiding the brunt of the enemy guns. This route is useful untu fishing all Ganado pursue Leon in one direction. No. quickly ran towards the house. 4
    No. Go to the house. 4 with Kick Open the door and quickly got to immediately shut the door again, turn around and hope Ganado not going to come in with you when the door was open. If there Ganado who participated in, quickly do a headshot / kick combo to drive them back out of the house. The door closed. Shot 1-2 bullets handgun into the door until the door is hollow. You can see all of Ganado heading towards you from the hole. Close the door position, Ganado not attack just trying to open the door (there Ganado who threw their weapons from the outside, but the body will not Leon). Hose them are doing just that, sabetkan blade continuously until all the dead and a bell tolling Ganado.
    You can pick up items from the enemies you kill without getting out of the house. If there are items from enemies you kill a position away from you, quickly came out to pick it up and then quickly back to the house to repeat this strategy and hope the door is closed before the enemy entered the house.
    This strategy is awesome. Fast, precise, and you can profit from the items that you kill enemies.
    (Ii) Only Knife Strategy: Take the left path from the two alternative paths. Take Green herb, straight forward and destroy the wooden box containing a Red Herb. You'll activate Women sekopang fork holder. Jump in the window at No. didekatmu. 2 then destroy the wooden box. Turn around, and wait she was about to climb the window, quickly approach him and sabetkan knife, the woman fell. Hurry out and sabetkan knife into him to death. Scene 5 Ganado will be active, quickly went back into the house through the window and wait for 5 Ganado in front of a door marked with a banging door. When the door is open, wait until they get all of the house and then Turn around and quickly went out again through the window and then Turn around again.
    The next goal is to kill 5 Ganado through the window with a knife and to do that you first have to make them lose their weapons. Position Leon near the window and grab the left side of the window (this position makes Leon is not in an open state of the ax throw the enemy from the front). Sabet them when they were about to climb the window, they will lose the weapon. When they all lost their weapons, body sliding Leon right in front of the window and you can safely menyabetkan knife into their bodies.

    Overall Score:
    Hit ratio: 100%
    Enemies killed: 33
    Number of times killed: 0
    Time taken: 17:48